Welcome to the Black Freedom Party website!

Join a Movement for Afrikan American Unity and Empowerment and Reclaim your Voice!


The Black Freedom Party is a Black Nationalist and Pan-Afrikan political party founded in 2023 exclusively for Afrikan Americans. Our party aims to provide a platform for Black Americans to organize themselves politically and gain true economic and political power.


The Black Freedom Party is a Black nationalist and Pan-Afrikan political party that seeks to obtain true economic and political power for Afrikan Americans, which will bring about their complete liberation as an Afrikan people held in bondage by European Americans. The party was founded in 2023 to address the fact that the two major parties in the U.S., Democrat and Republican party, are both rooted in White supremacy and provide nothing for its’ Black constituents but tokens and concessions at best. As a result, the Afrikan American community continues to suffer from exploitation and oppression. Therefore, the Black Freedom Party was established for Black Americans to become politically organized and overthrow the system of White supremacy and domination over Afrikans in America and throughout the diaspora.


We aim to establish a Black nationalist and Pan-Afrikan political party exclusive to Afrikan Americans. Our party was founded with the aim of providing a platform for Black Americans to organize themselves politically and gain true economic and political power.

Here are the key aims and objectives of our party:

  • To promote Black Nationalism and Pan-Afrikanism.
  • To promote self-determination and self-reliance within the Black community.
  • To end the oppression and exploitation of Black people in America.
  • To promote unity among Black Americans and in the Afrikan diaspora.
  • To provide a political voice for Black Americans.
  • To establish economic empowerment for Black Americans.
  • To promote education and cultural awareness within the Black community.
  • To establish community-based programs to address the needs of Black Americans.
  • To promote equal rights and justice for Black Americans.
  • To establish a strong Black political presence in local, state, and national government.
  • To promote economic and political partnerships with Afrikan nations.
  • To promote reparations for the descendants of enslaved Afrikans.
  • To promote the development and control of Black-owned businesses.                       

  • To promote the establishment of Black-controlled media outlets

By working towards these aims and objectives, we believe that we can bring about the
complete liberation of the Black community in America and end the systemic
oppression that we have faced for far too long.



The Black community’s control of economic infrastructure: The Party's position on this

issue is clear - we demand complete control of the economics of our own communities. We know that the current economic system has been designed to benefit the White elites at the expense of Black people. Therefore, we advocate for an economic system that is based on Indigenous Afrikan Free-Market Liberalism. This means that our economic policies must prioritize the interests of our community and support Black-owned businesses. We need to create wealth within our own community and break free from the cycle of poverty and dependence on the White-dominated economic system.


We recognize that Black Americans need an independent healthcare system that caters to our community as melanated persons. The current healthcare system has failed us, with Black people experiencing disproportionate rates of illnesses and deaths. Therefore, we demand an independent Black healthcare system that prioritizes our health needs. This system must be designed to address the unique healthcare challenges that affect Black people, such as sickle cell anemia, hypertension, and diabetes. We support initiatives that promote preventive healthcare, access to healthy food, and mental health services.


The Party understands that Black children require a different education from White children in order to maximize their genetic potential. We demand control of the curriculum, teacher training, and educational standards for Black children. The current educational system has been designed to indoctrinate our children with White supremacist ideas and values. Therefore, we need an education system that reflects our cultural heritage and promotes our values. We support Afrikan-centered education that teaches our children about their history, culture, and traditions. This will enable them to develop a strong sense of self-worth and pride in their identity.


The Party seeks to influence US policy toward Afrika and any other Afrikan nation in ways that end the exploitation of neo-colonization of their land and resources. We advocate for Pan-Afrikanism as the key to the liberation of all Afrikan people. We know that the US government and other Western nations have a history of exploiting Afrika for their own economic gain. Therefore, we demand an end to this exploitation and support the economic empowerment of Afrikan nations. We also support initiatives that promote cultural exchange between African nations and the Black Diaspora.


We demand the immediate withdrawal of all domestic military occupation forces from Afrikan American communities. We know that the police function as an agency imposed on us from the outside and must be redefined to function as a community agency. It is time for us to envision a new reality for public safety in America. We demand that all levels of government divest from law enforcement and reinvest in comprehensive community development. We support community-based initiatives that promote restorative justice, conflict resolution, and mediation.


The Party demands reparations from the U.S. government and all European nations that have engaged and profited from over five centuries of Afrikan enslavement and neo-enslavement. We know that the wealth of these nations was built on the backs of Black people and that reparations are necessary to repair the damage done. We support initiatives that promote reparations in the form of financial compensation, land, and resources.


The Black Freedom Party seeks to establish an independent and sovereign Afrikan Nation-state on North American soil. Black America must have "land and territory to call our own"! The Black Freedom Party calls for Black America to reclaim its Afrikan royalty, and continue the Afrikan tradition of governance by Emperors, Kings, and Chiefs on our own land in the Deep South. The Black Freedom Party will run a series of political campaigns to gain total control of the Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina, Louisiana, and Georgia State legislatures, with the purpose of building a New Afrikan Kingdom in America. We support initiatives that promote ethno-aggregation and political empowerment of Black Americans in the Black Belt region.


Our political position regarding the Afrikan American family is that:

·      We know that the restoration and rebuilding of the Black family is crucial for the Afrikan American community to overcome oppression, and this requires cooperation, trust, love, and unity between Afrikan American men and women.

·      We reject the gender war that exists between Black men and women in America and seek to restore balance, drawing inspiration from our traditional Afrikan societies, many of which are matrilineal.

·      We know that a strong bond between men and women produces strong families, communities, and nations, and our focus on Afrikan American nation building centers on rebuilding and strengthening the Black family.

Additionally, we acknowledge that the rebuilding of the Black family cannot occur in isolation from the larger systemic issues that impact the Afrikan American community, such as systemic racism, economic inequality, and lack of access to quality education and healthcare. Therefore, our political position also includes advocating for policies and initiatives that address these issues and create a more just and equitable society for all Afrikan Americans.


Our mission is to politically organize Black Americans to obtain true economic and political power, which will lead to our complete liberation as an Afrikan people held in bondage by European Americans. We aim to overthrow the system of White supremacy and domination over Afrikans in America and throughout the diaspora. It's time for Black people to take back the power we have given to White people to control and oppress us
Join our movement for justice, equality, and empowerment for the Afrikan American community. We invite you to contribute to our cause by making a donation. Your support will directly impact our initiatives and advocacy efforts. Donate now to help us build a future that honors our heritage and uplifts our people.

David Pruitt
BFP Founder & Chairman

David Pruitt, a third-generation resident of North Lawndale on Chicago’s West side, was born and raised in Chicagoland, is a man of the people, and an individual who values the well-being and the welfare of his Afrikan American nation and tribe. David Pruitt upholds and maintains a good course for our people. He is zealous and passionate about the betterment of Afrikans in America and globally. He is a born leader of excellence, an epitome of an enviable character, a man of integrity, an advocate for peace, accountability, equality, and unity.
He is ambitious to emerge as the chairman of the Black Freedom Party in order to liberate his people from oppression. Brother David envisions a better life for Afrikan Americans through proper education and organization.
Bro. David’s heart of philanthropy shows via the establishment of the Kufi Club of Chicago, a charitable organization with the mandate to help Afrikan American youth with the required social and academic assistance. It is also on record that  David has served the people for a decade as an educator and schoolteacher. The impact of his contribution while serving the public is still fresh in the memory of our people.
Bro. David understands the solution to all the predicaments stirring our people in the face. It is not an overstatement to say that he shares in the pains and suffering of Afrikan Americans. He is restless and ready to serve. He seeks a complete end to the predicaments of our people in all ramifications.
Education and Career
● B.A. in Elementary Education
● M.Ed in Educational leadership (2024)
● Teacher at Chicago Public Schools
● Founder of the Kufi Club of Chicago, a charitable organization centered on Positive African American youth development.
● Illinois Certified Professional Educator


Got questions? we've got answers

The Black Freedom Party (BFP) is a Black nationalist and Pan-Afrikan political party founded in 2023 to combat the systemic racism embedded within the two major U.S. political parties. We are dedicated to creating an inclusive and equitable society for Black Americans and other Afrikan descendants in the United States where all have a voice in our nation’s politics, economy, education, and other institutions. Our mission is to empower Black Americans to take control of their collective destiny into their own hands.

The ultimate goal of the Black Freedom Party is to bring about economic and political power for Afrikan Americans in order to ensure their collective protection, well-being, and justice. We are committed to creating a just society where all Afrikan Americans can enjoy true freedom, equality and prosperity. We know that only through collective action can we achieve our shared goals of a better future for all.

Our core values are rooted in Afrikan American dignity, upliftment, self-determination, and collective power. We believe that our political power comes from the unity and solidarity of Afrikan Americans. We strive to build a world free of White supremacy and oppression by actively advocating for justice, decolonization, and economic liberation for all Afrikan Americans.  

The Black Freedom Party (BFP) is committed to the liberation of our people through economic justice and self-determination. We recognize that the current capitalist system has failed to provide for our people and is rooted in racism, exploitation, and oppression. We reject capitalism as a means of achieving economic freedom and are working toward building a new economy based on collective ownership and community empowerment.

There are many stories and debates surrounding the name ‘Afrika’ and its origins, but only a few of them undilutedly tell the complete truth. Africa as we know it is the whitewashed version of the actual word ‘Afrika,’ a name deeply rooted in the culture, lifestyle, and ancestry of Afuraka (Afrika).

The real name Afrika was derived from Afuraka/Afurakani- words in the ancient language of Metu Neter, the original name for the language that is commonly known as Egyptian (Kemetic) hieroglyphics. It is a strong word used to describe the first black people ever to exist in this world. We call it Afrika, as it was originally called to maintain the weight of its meaning and all the etymology that surrounds it. Afuraka, meaning the birthplace of black people was the original word, whose origin became so lost in history that white scholars have created their own meaning and etymology of the word- Nahem Ptah Akhan (The first to publish the real etymological origins surrounding the name).

Africa is spelled with a ‘k’, not a ‘c,’ and no European had the privilege to be there when this word was coined. As Afrikans, we owe it to ourselves and the generations to come to rediscover the depth of our history. The term ‘Afrikan American’ is not just a recognition of our melaninated skin, or a way to differentiate us from the crowd like the world has made us believe, it is a culture and an identity.

Black people in America first identified themselves by the name ‘Afrikan American’ as early as the 1700s, which is the beginning of America as an independent nation. The “First Afrikans” transported and enslaved in the mainland British American colonies were taken against their will from the Mbundu Kingdom of Ndongo (Angola). Two of those “First Afrikans”, named Anthony and Isabella, gave birth to their first son Willam Tucker, the first recorded Afrikan birth in America, and the beginning of the Afrikan American tribe and nation. To lose touch with this truth is to lose your identity, culture, and everything that being Afrikan entails.

For far too long, we have been put in a box and called different names; we have been identified by our melaninated skin alone, but never by our culture, and our truths as a people, which goes to prove that the racist White power structure doesn’t want us becoming conscious of these deeply rooted truths. As Afrikan Americans, we have one first home, and it is in Afrika! Until there’s unity, and organization among the people, and a reclamation of our Afrikan identity, the world will continue to thrive off our confusion.

It must end now. The origin of Black Americans (Afrikan Americans) is Africa, even though you are a US citizen- two truths can exist in one timeline. We have been saddled with the term ‘black people’ as an identity and classification of our culture, but it is everything but the truth. Black is not our ethnicity, black is our color or pigmentation, and it is the description of the melanin that flows through our skin.

Ethnicity is deeper; it is the embodiment of your identity- your lush lands, your unique language, and your culture. Knowledge of your ethnicity is knowledge of your identity. An awareness of your identity breaks you free from society’s shackles and puts you on the pedestal of civilization. Afrikan Americans are not simply ‘Black People’, we are an Afrikan pan-ethnic group, and like the Asians, Hispanics, Europeans, or the ethnic groups in the world, we have our own identify, culture, and lifestyle. 

The Black Freedom Party recognizes that the Afrikan American community is an internal colonized Afrikan tribe and nation, exploited and oppressed within a racist White American nation. Afrikan Americans are legally US citizens, yet, in reality are treated as an alien nation. Black America with a population of over 42 million Afrikans, is virtually excluded from full participation in the White-dominated, political-economic system. Attempts were made during the Reconstruction Era to establish a political system in which Afrikan and European Americans could govern a Nation together as equals; however, such attempts ultimately proved unsuccessful as clearly evident in US politics today. 

In light of the White ruling class of America unwillingness to govern the United States cooperatively with Afrikan Americans, Black America must begin the process of building its own nation and government independent of White America. Similarly , as Native Americans have sovereign nation status, the National Black Panther Party seeks sovereign nation status for Afrikan Americans. Accordingly, the National Black Panther Party calls for the United States government to reinstate Sherman’s Field Order No. 15 with amendments.

Let’s work together

Join us in this fight for justice and equality, and together we can make a difference.



Our mission is to politically organize Black Americans to obtain true economic and political power, which will lead to our complete liberation as an Afrikan people held in bondage by European Americans.

© Black Freedom Party

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